Gratitude is what keeps your present and alive

So much shock and sadness in the world as we hear of people that seem like they have it all, end their life. I feel blessed that all I feel is gratitude and see miracles unfolding right before our eyes. Life is such a gift, and everything is growth, a lesson, a process and your own unique journey. Find people that speak your language, connect with what makes sense to you. We are meant to form relationships, love, care, give, and enjoy receiving.

Afshine Emrani
Obstacles don’t block the path.
They are the path.
Trust your journey
For me Judaism and the Torah always make sense of everything in life. I love the lesson of this week below, so powerful. How we view ourselves affects everything in our lives.
Love Yourself,
It is not Selfish,
It is Self Care,
Coach Yulia
Shimon Walles
The spies complained there are giants in the promised land making it impossible to conquer
Moses replied
‘When you view yourselves as grasshoppers -that is how you will be perceived by others as well’


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