Background Noise

I taught a Yoga class for my 91 year old teacher, who was out of town. He teaches six times a week, and there are 30-50 people in each class. They love his style and his routine, and luckily so do I. I met Raghavan 25 years ago, when I moved to Los Angeles from Miami to find myself. I stepped into my first Yoga class, and knew it would be my life. After teaching the class, a beautiful woman came up to me and thanked me for giving her exactly what she needed in class that day. We could not stop talking, she just got back from a powerful retreat in Costa Rica, takes care of her sister with cerebral palsy, who is the light of her life. We are the same age, half a century, and were going deep into how we are connected to the source and are present to our blessings. She suggested that we connect on Instagram. I had to let her know that I am a loud and proud Jew, and since October 7, my content is mostly about supporting my Jewish brothers and sisters as well as educating about history of the region from a Jew with lived experience.

Her answer was so powerful to me, from her perspective and what she had learned so far, she said that she does not support genocide. I was actually so grateful to have this conversation with a yoga sister that was open to dialogue. I explained to her that what hurts me the most is that people that deny the atrocities of October 7, even though there was video evidence recorded proudly by Hamas. Many of those murdered at the Nova festival and southern towns were peace activists, artists, and free spirits that were innocent, beautiful souls. She agreed with me that what Hamas did was horrific, and said that maybe she could learn more from my posts.

A non Jewish childhood friend tried to convince me that I had generational trauma, and how could I not have fear of terrorists coming after me. First of all I asked her if she was a therapist, because I do not need a diagnosis. Life is hard, you learn, grow and move forward! I am so grateful for this magical life of family, friends, community and life purpose.

A wonderful client of mine, Liora said the best thing ever about fear of terrorists. In Israel people just live life to their fullest, do they have any other option? Everything else including the hate we are all experiencing all over the world is BACKGROUND NOISE. Throughout Jewish history, antisemitism has morphed and reared its head, now disguising as Anti-Zionism.

I am on my way to my homeland with my daughter, and had I been single would have been the first to come after October 7 to volunteer. Everything in life is Bshaa Tova, at the right time. So excited to see friends and family, as well as explore everything Israel has to offer.

Everything is in God’s hands, we got delayed, but everything’s going to work out because it always does.

Baruch Hashem,

Thank God!

Coach Yulia

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