Lazy is a Luxury

We live in a world of to do lists and goals. It is a good thing, that is how we visualize our future and make our dreams a reality. Work, family, and creative pursuits fill our days and nights. Sometimes we throw some fun into the mix, but it is still being on, constantly stimulated.

I am lucky to be from a family that loves celebrations. No matter what the source, we are in, and happy to add to the joy. Even the American Hallmark Holidays, as they are called, such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and now there is a day for absolutely everything. The funny thing is that my personality does not understand why there is one day to love or to show the women and men in our lives how much they mean to us.

Yesterday was a super lazy day, and I realized that I have not let myself be lazy for a very long time. Especially with everyone home during pandemic, we have all had the craziest year of our lives. Finally the kids are in school, business is flowing, and I usually recharge during my day of rest every Saturday when I turn off the world and all electronics. As wonderful as it is, it gives you no choice to be present, and it is not so physically and mentally relaxing when kids want to love you 24/7!

All I wanted for Mother’s Day was to go to a delicious meal with my family, and we had a few errands, but otherwise I did absolutely nothing. I just felt this heaviness, and did not want to get out of my bed or off couch, and it felt so good to allow it.

We should tune into our body in the moment.

We are different every day.

Only you know what you need.

Take care of you.

So you can be there for everyone and everything in your life, fully.

How do you recharge and release?

Figure it out.

That is the only way to balance and survive.

Even the good is exhausting.

Feel good.

Coach Yulia

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