“When terror penetrates a womb, the body of a nation miscarries its soul.”

When terror penetrates a womb, the body of a nation miscarries its soul.

This isn’t terror anymore. This is #congenocide. – Efrat Lev


Efrat Lev
When terror penetrates the womb, an entire nation miscarries its soul.
When terror strikes at young soldiers, the heart of every mother beats in arrhythmia.
And when the heart and soul of a country are inflamed, it takes a spirit of the mind to rise above the despair.
As the father of one of today’s murdered soldiers cried, ”why does it always take destitution to unite this nation? Isn’t it time that we come together in joy?!”
May their memories a blessing…


Shabbat Shalom,

Coach Yulia

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