Lies and Truth about Israel and Jews


All I want is to share truth. Amazing poetry in the video above describing in detail how  Israel and Jews are the only focus. Ignoring everyone and everything else all around the world. It is really mind boggling to me, and more than that, the lies below and teaching children to hate. I want the world to see why it is important to keep speaking your truth and the truth.

Blatant lies below, as educators and people of influence choose their platform for hate.


Coach Yulia

Fred Maroun
Of course they will, and therefore they will continue to have less and less. The weird part is that they don’t see the connection.
Abdallah Abushawesh, member of the Palestinian delegation to the UN, tells visiting Canadian students ‘We’re experts at throwing stones, we are very proud to do that,’…
Shekinah Mindy
This comes as Poland is once again vehemently whitewashing the Polish role in the death camps. Skulls are visible in some photos of these mounds of dirt. I’d always hoped to someday, maybe be able to find the graves of an ancestor or two in Poland. I’ve come to realize, it would be almost impossible.

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