Israel Always Gives, Violence Persists

Barry Forman

Saudi Arabia protects the Great Mosque with metal protectors and security devices. Yet the Palestinians freak out when Israel does this at a much less holier site. So the Israelis cave and remove ALL security. How do the Palestinians respond? They throw rocks. Liberals and Islamists claim its the security that causes the violence. This is just further proof that the opposite has always been the case – the Palestinians commit violence when there is nothing to stop them. Fred Maroun


Jerusalem clashes break out as Muslim teens throw stones at Israeli cops at the Western Wall amid reports of GRENADES being lobbed

The danger and disgrace of anti-Semitism in American mosques.

Last Friday, the Egyptian-born American Imam Ammar Shahin took the pulpit at the Islamic Center of Davis, California, to deliver some words to the faithful. “The…


I look forward to Friday every week, we have a few families coming for Shabbat dinner tonight.  It makes me aware of how lucky I am to celebrate openly, while in Israel and in Mosques in America, there is a call to annihilate all Jews.


Sorry we are not going anywhere,
Never did,
Never will,
Never again,
We have survived before,
We will thrive again,
Shabbat Shalom,
Coach Yulia


Afshine Emrani
If only Israel took down the metal detectors, Palestinians would pray in peace. If Israel had left the poor Arabs alone, they wouldn’t have killed two Druze police officers, attacked an Arab bus driver, massacred 3 Jews having Shabbat dinner. And the LIES go on…. If only Israel pulled out of Gaza- remember Ariel Sharon- then that area would bloom with Palestinians building hotels and beautiful resorts along the ocean and there would medical schools and high tech companies contributing vastly to the civilized world, because how can these people function under Israel, under Jews?
Can’t you see how much better they are off now? Because they need their own land, their own leaders who love them so much. See how they flourish in Gaza? Because PLO’s Yasser Arafat never got rich off their back- $6 Billion rich- while he had them busy throwing Molotov cocktails at Jews. Because Hamas leaders never steal money from them (each leader is a billionaire) intentionally keeping them poor and struggling so that they have nothing to lose when they kill themselves. And Jordan supports these “Palestinians” and it was a minor mistake when the Jordanians massacred tens of thousands of Palestinians…oops! And Abbas loves his people- that’s why he wants Jewish blood to cover Jerusalem. The Palestinians are not pawns in the game of hate-the-Jew and destroy-Israel. Can’t you see how all Muslims/ Arabs all over the world love Palestinians and beg them to move to their countries- Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon…? Because it’s all about occupation, stupid! It has nothing to do with Jew hatred. Now let’s talk about a two state solution.
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