“Another antisemitic war is coming while the world again looks the other way”

Besides the LGBTQ events being openly hostile to Jews, everyday I hear of Jews being attacked in England, France, and in my own backyard of the United States of America.


Micha Mitch Danzig
BBC claims that the Holocaust is a “sensitive topic for Muslims” because some Holocaust survivors moved to British controlled Palestine after WWII.
So according to the BBC, it is not a “sensitive topic” because a third of the world’s Jews were murdered in around 4 years.
According to the BBC, it is not a “sensitive topic” because, at the demand of the Arab world, the British prevented Jews from returning to their indigenous homeland, and thereby prevented them from escaping death camps and gas chambers.
According to the BBC, it is not a sensitive topic because during WWII most of the Arab world sided with the Nazis and the Mufti of Jerusalem himself was a Nazi ally and SS Commander.
According to the BBC, it is not a sensitive topic because during WWII there were massive Nazi inspired pogroms (massacres of Jews) throughout the Arab Middle East, including in Iraq and Libya.
According to the BBC, it is not a sensitive topic because to this very day Nazi ideology is a huge part of the Arab world and Mein Kampf is a perennial best seller in most Arab countries.
No. According to the BBC, “the Holocaust is a sensitive topic for Muslims” because after a third of the world’s Jews were murdered as a result of them having no indigenous homeland to go to, and no sovereign Jewish state to defend them, that some Jewish survivors were able to make their way past British blockades and internment camps and help the nascent modern State of Israel fight off the 7 Arab armies who attacked Israel with the self-stated goal of finishing the job Hitler started. A goal that Islamist Supremacist terrorist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas espouse to this very day.
And I thought I couldn’t hate the BBC more than I did after its recent morally inverted and hideous headline when Hadas Malka was murdered in Jerusalem. I was wrong.

It is so shocking that people are unaware, listen to revisions of history, and like you will see below, are unfamiliar with the horrors of the Holocaust!

Crystal MeyerCan someone please help me. I have students whose reaction to learning about the Holocaust is to laugh and draw swastikas on their clothes. What do I even do with that. I just explained to a sixteen year old why that is not ok, what that symbol means to people and the response is that it’s just a joke. It’s funny.
It’s a symbol of death like a Tombstone. 
No a Tombstone is something placed on a grave. Over a dead person to honor them.
A swastika has only one meaning in the West. . It represents the desire and ability to murder and maim entire races of people. People who are still here.
I’m a Buddhist, we have a thousand years of history where that symbol is one of comfort and WE NO LONGER USE IT because there is only one meaning for it now.
I’m so mad I’m shaking. I need a drink.
I think it was interesting that people weren’t getting what I was saying and I want to point out some things. It certainly wasn’t every kid in the class who thought this was funny. It was one kid. The others thought it was funny he was getting called out or were being quiet. You know like passive polite citizens during WW2. That’s frustrating to me.

Another is that a lot of people reacted by wanting them to suffer somehow to understand. I want them to not need that. I want them to have clear empathy and respect without needing to suffer something similar. If that’s needed, we’ll need the same sufferings again and again. In fact, they’ll have to out do one another.

People thought they didn’t know the horrors. They do. They don’t empathise. Perhaps that’s because our world is full of horrors. Maybe they’re as shellshocked as the WW one generation. Also, we don’t want kids to understand pain and fear in the world. We try to protect them from it. And we choose which victims get our empathy. I can’t look at news from Syria. It the resulting refugee crisis. I can’t. I can’t imagine trying to cope with that with Vin. And we just don’t even talk about Africa.

I’m so frustrated because we add a society are killing these kids’ ability to engage. And I’m frustrated.

There are kids who don’t understand why they shouldn’t use the n word. But there are also kids who understand it’s power enough to write it on notes and put them in my desk. There are kids who don’t get it, kids who do use it for evil, and kids who do and don’t use it, at least around me. That’s the majority. The silent majority. Is it because they feel the ugly and don’t want it in them? Or is it because someone says ‘please don’t’ and they respect that? Or is it that they don’t want to be in trouble? Some of this some of that. But I want it all to be understanding. I want them all to be better.

Finally, we as a world are in constant conflict. In war and conflict, both sides believe they are right. Beyond that, once the war/conflict goes on a while no one knows how it started and politics/ ideas cease to be the driving force. Each side will feel they are defending themselves, because in a sense they are. Making people less human is easy when you see a friend or family member hurt or killed. And it makes all of us less human when we think this way. There are no Innocents where weapons are involved. It only gets worse and worse and more and more divided.

So there’s my thoughts on that.

And it frustrates me.


While Anti-Semitism was and is,

We know we will persevere,

Just like we always have,

Beautiful thoughts on the Jewish lesson of the week below,

Coach Yulia


I hate to even use the name, but Hitler (y’ms) said in Mein Kampf that the Jews needed to be eliminated for bringing conscience and brit milah (circumcision) into the world. Conscience is understandable but brit milah? Something we don’t understand but we do because we are told to. (By the way, women are born on the highest level, males first have brit milah to even start to approach our level!)

“This is the chok of the Torah” (Num 19:2), lit. “a law that is
incomprehensible”. These words refer to the one mitzvah that even King
Solomon, the wisest of the wise, couldn’t understand. What’s
interesting about this Parsha is that if you really look carefully at
all the topics discussed in it, they seem to defy human understanding.
For example, Moses and Aaron are told they won’t be able to enter the
Land of Israel with the Jewish nation. It seems that ever since then,
the Rabbis have been attempting to understand what was really behind
this punishment. Ultimately, though, it’s a chok — something we can’t
understand. If we realize that the Parsha also discusses the beginning
of the Jewish interaction with the outside world, we can see that the
growth of the Jewish nation and our contribution to the world
completely defy the norm. In fact, Professor Toynbee writes that all
the 26 major civilizations of the world have followed a consistent
pattern: they rise, they gain power, and, ultimately, disappear —
with the exception of the Jews. R’ Yaakov Emden (18th century) writes
that the survival of the Jewish nation is a bigger miracle than the
Exodus from Egypt and the Splitting of the Sea (and he wrote that
before we experienced the miracle of the establishment of the State of
Israel). Ultimately, it is a chok, beyond our comprehension. We should
all realize that it is a tremendous privilege to be part of the nation
that has defied the pattern of history and given the world its basis
of law and morality.

Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Jawary


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