My Doula Teacher!!! Also Birth Classes


I always say everything in life is about making the right connection.  I was so blessed to cross paths with my Doula teacher, Jana Wernor, way before I was even thinking about being a Doula. I was leading prenatal and post partum yoga and walking groups, and she found me through my flyers, and approached me to offer her amazing birth classes for interested clients.  I sent her a client, and that client told me to get the Doula training because she was hiring as her Doula.

My birth experiences were so empowering and I felt so supported by my own Doula, that everything just clicked, especially with my over 15 years of Yoga, breath, and movement. Part of my Doula training was to take the supported birth classes along with the couples taking the birth class.  I learned so much, highly recommended for first time parents, and even for anyone wanting to get a thorough overview of all of your options and how labor and birth really work.

Nowadays you are really alone in the hospital room, the doctor comes at the end, the nurses go in and out in between patients.  I always knew I wanted someone there just for me, I deserved it, and why not?


Coach Yulia


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