Dreams and Money Don’t Mix

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What is your relationship with money?

Is it the most important thing and focus in your life?

When you think of how you would like to live your life, is money the main factor?

I was having a conversation with my mom today and she said “Dreams and Money Do Not Mix.”  Her and I are dreamers, we know we will always be led down the exact path to achieve and realize anything we set our mind do.  I feel so blessed to have so many wonderful aspects to my life, and for some reason, I am working hard to love and attract money.

Thank God I love what I do, it drives my soul, it literally found me, and I am even more grateful that people connect with the work that I do, and I can make a living.

Her point was it is important to dream without money as the main focus.  Then the dream gets cast aside, and what will generate money becomes the driving motivation.


Coach Yulia

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