Round Challa for the Jewish New Year


There are 613 Mitzvot, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitzvah, that the Jewish people learn about and do their best to follow.  Women have just 3, and one of them is making Challah. I am not domestic, and Thank God I have been blessed with a husband who has been encouraged to be a chef as a career.  I am good at soups, but baking is a whole precise science, and we never had it in our home growing up, and I am ok with not having it in my home as well.

Recently I started a whole new adventure in Eastern Medicine, and my body doesn’t like wheat, but it likes yeast.  I think it is God’s way of leading me to the Mitzva of Challah, and I am inspired to make it with oats, and make it round, starting the Jewish New Year of with special blessings.

Please send your favorite recipes my way,

In cooking there is room for error and creativity,

Baking kneads special attention!

Wishing everyone Shana Tova v Metuka,

A sweet new year,

Coach Yulia


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