Passover Story

One of the traditions of Passover is to retell the story of how the Jewish people became a nation.  The video above is hilarious because from a non Jewish perspective, it is the longest time ever to wait to actually eat.  Below is an amazing overview about how the story of Passover was relevant to our history and also affects us in our modern lives.

“This year we are slaves; next year we will be free.” The Hagada isn’t
just a retelling of a past event that happened 3,300 years ago; it is
relevant to every one of us in every generation. The Talmud teaches us
that there are actually two forms of slavery. One is external, placed
upon us by the society we live in, like Egypt, Germany etc. For most
of us born in modern times, when there are thankfully no restriction
placed upon Jews, and every profession and every religious freedom is
given to us, many of us are subject to the second form of slavery. We
are enslaved by our inability to live a meaningful, productive, and
joyful life because of our negative character traits, our cynicism,
stinginess, anger, and bitterness. They are all ways of accepting our
status quo and refusing to deal with the real issues of our life: to
become just a little bit better and to try to fulfill our potential.
That might be why the word “Pesach” has a dual meaning. In addition to
“Passover,” Pesach also means “to have compassion.” Despite the
hardships the Jews underwent, they were able to treat each other with
compassion, removing themselves from their internal slavery — their
stinginess and jealousy — which paved the way for God to remove them
from the slavery of Egypt.

Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Jawary


This was such an amazing Shabbat, and I just came back from a shiur, lesson of the week, and it focused on Pesach, and how nowadays we have access to knowledge and information in an instant.  We must educate ourselves with world history, our history, Torah law, Rabbinical law, and customs. The most important thing is Shalom Bayit, peace in the home.

Wishing everyone wonderful and thorough Pesach preparation,

Coach Yulia




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