Moments Captured

I just want to be present, in the moment, doing my thing, and not think about photography or video, but I love that everybody else does!  This is a great shot of me in action, during an amazing event by the, teaching some Yoga and core to some of the participants of the Spin for Parkinsons event in Los Angeles.

I took an amazing low weight, high repetition class, Bodypump, and I know I am going to feel it tomorrow, in a good way. This morning Los Angeles is a bit cooler, and I was so comfortable in my house, I did have a class to teach later, and there was really no excuse for me not to go in one hour earlier and have my own workout, so I just did it, and I am glad I did.

Ran a few errands, reading about all the world events, and just grateful for my work, for my time with my kids, and my time for me without the kids, and time to blog, and that expressing myself gives me a healthy release, and I am so blessed that readers and students enjoy my flow, written and verbal.

On my roster tonight is picking up the kids from school and having a great play date for them, and also for me to hang out with the mom, then teaching two classes, one Pilates, and one Yoga.

Going to Zumba tomorrow, I am determined to squeeze in the workout whenever I can, for my outside and for my inside. The key is finding something you enjoy, so even when you are not in the mood, you know you will have fun, and you know you will feel good afterwards, and that is just enough of a push for me.  Here is a great article why the weight is not coming off, even though overall you are doing everything right,

I love to say everything works and nothing works,

We all have to find the combination that is right for each individual,

I feel it is a life process,

There is no such thing as perfection,

Feeling and looking good takes preventive maintenance,

Find what you love, what is exciting, what is fun,

Indulge on special occasions,

Surround yourself with like minded, positive, happy, and creative people,

Take care of you,

If you do not do it, who else will do it for you?

Choose To Feel Good,

Coach Yulia

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