A Good Teacher

Some people have a gift or talent, and some have a skill, the best is to have both.  I have been blessed to connect to the most amazing teachers, and feel so blessed that they crossed my path at the right time.  My Yoga teacher and my Doula teacher are really one of a kind, and I feel honored to follow in their footsteps.  Since I have had children, I am now meeting all types of teachers, and its very interesting how each child needs a completely different approach.  Of all the different ways of teaching, some people like more intense, some calm, some open play, some more structure, one way is not for everybody.

I am amazed how I keep on connecting with the perfect teacher at the right time for each child.  I just found the most amazing piano teacher for my son, http://www.lynnekruger.com/, she is patient, great with kids, and really gets them to understand and have fun.  She offers one free piano or singing lesson in Los Angeles.  Above you see a clip from today’s swimming lesson, I was waiting all summer for Ari to come back from working at summer camp to teach my kids swimming, so excited how my kids are progressing after only one session, they are doing things they have never done before.  Contact me for his number, he customizes to every child, rates are comparable to swim schools.  I feel the swim schools got my kids to not be scared of water, but other than that they do not know how to swim.  There is another method that is more rough, kind of throws them in and makes them learn by instinct, that would not work with my kids.  I found the perfect middle, it is amazing what the right teacher can accomplish, inspire, and motivate the kids to be confident and learn.

Sometimes a teacher may be very skilled, but they do not have a feel for what they do, that is why everybody likes a different doctor, dentist, yoga teacher, chiropractor, and on and on.  It is not that one is better than the other, because for me skill is not enough, it is really an art and a gift, and when you find that combination with skill, magic happens.

Coach Yulia

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